What is coding?
You’ve heard about tons of time coding is related to computers and how they process the information. Many people don’t understand it, we all depend on the fundamentals of code every day. Its such an important aspect of the technological scenery that, Microsoft co-founder bill gates said that “learning to write code stretches your mind, and help you think better, create a way of thinking about a thing that I think is helpful in all domains.” Read the below block to discover what computer code is and why it is so important.
Coding means that the computer language used to develop websites, applications, or software. Without coding, we had none of the technology to build such as Facebook, our smartphone application, the browser we use to view our favorite blog, website, or even the blog is also run on code.
To put it simply the code is what we tell the computer what to do. the computer didn’t understand our basic words. they only understand the concept of on and off, the capabilities of computers are guided by on and off switches. Binary code represent the on and off switches as the digits like 1 and 0, an infinite number of combination of these codes make your computer work. For managing the binary code, computer language is formed. There are many languages build each language has there own difference purpose, but the all programming language allows the programmer to translate important command into binary code.
Each computer application and website need a perfectly written code to know what to do. Most software has thousands to billion lines of code. For ex.- Google has a 2 billion line of code. The code gives the computer to step-by-step instruction on how to function, every line of code tells the computer to do something. The computer reads the code and executes every online or offline task. In this digital world, everything from mobile phones to smart TVs and also smartwatches run using the coding. The automobile industry also used this type of technology, for ex.in-car use some software which will also build on bases of coding. Debugging code is always the final step to reveal and fix the coding issues.
since the 1970s, computer experts have created more than 700 different programming languages. Each programming language has a unique way of helping computers to process the huge amount of information . each programming language has different features and syntax also. There are only a dozen programming languages that are commonly used. They include python, java, ruby, swift, and many more. Let’s look at some important programming languages which are beginners should know.
C language – c programming language is a general-purpose, imperative programming language developed by Bell labs in 1972 to build the UNIX system. Perhaps c language is the easiest language to learn. C is a general-purpose language and also use to build the enterprise application, games, graphics, and application requiring calculation. C language is versatile to get computer hardware communicating.
C++ – c++ is another object-oriented programming language which expands on c language to execute higher-level computer task c++ is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983. C++ organizes and stores bundles of a more complex program. c++ is an object-oriented programming language that gives clear structure and allows us to reused the code. C++ is portable and use to develop an application that can adapt to multiple platforms. Adobe, Microsoft office, amazon, and Mozilla software used c++ for fast programming.
HTML – HTML stand for the hypertext markup language,
is the standard way to coding web page and show electronic information.
Founded by Tim Berners- Lee in 1990, HTML is normally used for creating
the structure of the website and also used to format the content,
picture, video, and audio featured online. Html tells the browser to
display a website for optimal user experience.
CSS – CSS is known as a cascading style sheet, is a
coding language used to specify the style of the website. CSS is
developed by Hakon will lie in 1994, CSS tells the internet browser each
page layout, background color also image, font size, font style, cursor
shape, and many more. Crafting and maintaining solid CSS code is very
crucial for the website. In web development, the HTML gives the
structure then CSS gives the style for the website.
Javascript – javascript is a client scripting language which is used for creating a webpage. Javascript is created by Brendan Eich, a Netscape communication corporation programmer created javascript in 1995. It is used when a webpage is to be made a dynamic and add special effect on the page like rollover, roll out and many other types of graphics. Microsoft, Google, Accenture these companies used javascript.
Php – PHP, or hypertext processor, is a coding language
for web development founded in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP is widely
used for server scripting with HTML to piece together dynamic website
content. WordPress, an open-source online platform that accounts for 20
percent of websites and blogs, is notably written with PHP.
SQL – SQL, or structured query language, is a
domain-specific coding type that streams information into a database.
First introduced by IBM researchers in 1974, SQL has simple syntax to
run back-end web databases. SQL is used by most businesses to load,
retrieve, and analyze text or numbers in their servers.
Python – Python is developed by Guido van Rossum in 1989. Python is an easy very simple programming language so even if you are new to programming, you can learn python without facing any issues .python is a server-side web and software development language, python has very simple syntax to script backend action for application user interface and operating system that work well. many platforms like google and NASA’s integrated planning system use python. In present python is the most useable language because of his simple syntax and many libraries.
For the above programming language you can learn online from this website: W3Schools.com
According to readers digest, nearly 50 percent of jobs paying at least $58000 require some coding skills. It’s estimated more than 7 million us job opening requires knowing how to code. A programmer writes code to create functional software that executes tasks perfectly. Here are some in-demand careers that prioritize candidates with coding abilities.
- Database administers:- Database administer use coding to create secure data storage files and backups. Database administers mostly use SQL and c or c++ for a database system to authorized access. In the next 10 year database administer demand will increase by 9 percent. database administer enjoy the annual package of $89000.
- Web developer:- web developer is a coding king who designs content, graphic, audio, video for an internet site. For web developers generally used HTML, CSS, javascript to the published top-performing website that drives uncountable online traffic. In the next 10-year web developer demand increase by 19 percent according to a survey .the web developer gets $82000 average salary.
- Information Security Analyst – Information security analysts know how to code digital software that encrypts and protects data files. Information security analysts often utilize C++, Python, and JavaScript to create tools that stop cybercriminals in their tracks. Demand will skyrocket by 32 percent for 35,500 more information security jobs. Information security analysts have median annual earnings of $99,730.
- Applications Developer – Applications developers are the creative coders behind the software that runs on computers, tablets, phones, smart TVs, and wearable tech. Applications developers use coding languages from Ruby to Scala to fill app stores with downloadable software. The hiring of applications developers will soar by 26 percent for 241,500 positions. Applications developers bring home a mean income of $108,080.
- Digital Marketing Manager – Digital marketing managers with coding skills can elevate their advertising campaigns to attract better business sales. Digital marketing managers use the internet as their medium for reaching potential customers with traffic to well-coded websites. The job outlook for digital marketing managers shows an 8 percent uptick for 20,900 new openings. Digital marketing managers have mean profits of $149,200.
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